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About the SWRS
The Slough & Windsor Railway Society is essentially a social group for anyone interested in rail transport of any kind, especially railways in the area around Slough and Windsor (UK). New members are always welcome (and you don't have to live in Slough or Windsor!).
The Society meets for illustrated talks on Friday nights in a former Great Western Railway building adjacent to Slough railway station, known to us as The Manor.
Non-members are most welcome.
"Friday Nights at The Manor"
28 Mar 2025
35006 Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co.
Chris Ardy
7:45pm, at 'The Manor', Slough Station (directions)
![Rebuilt Merchant Navy Bulleid Pacific no. 35006, Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co., on a passenger service at the May 2016 gala on the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway. – 28 May 2016 [Photo:Chris Ardy] A large steam locomotive with smoke deflectors, in shiny ex-works condition, hauls a passenger train past a semaphore signal on a rural heritage railway.](./img/publicity/2025-03-28_35006_PeninsularAndOrientalSNCo_P1130522_cropped_400px.jpg)
35006 "Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co." is a Merchant Navy Class 4-6-2 steam locomotive, designed by Oliver Bulleid for the Southern Railway, and built at Eastleigh locomotive works in December 1941.
The loco has been part of Chris's life since 1953: on the way to a family holiday, the sight of 35006 hauling a train across the A30 near Honiton started a life-long enthusiasm for railways.
Chris's talk will cover the history of the loco, its restoration, and operation from 2014.
Along with "Clan Line" it was one of the last two of the class to be rebuilt, in October 1959.Withdrawn in 1964, 35006 languished at Woodham's Scrapyard, Barry until 1983, when it was move to Toddington on the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway. A lengthy restoration followed, including construction of a new tender, and 35006 finally returned to steam in 2015.
Chris Ardy was an avid trainspotter until the end of steam on BR. His interest was rekindled in the 1980s, and he is now a volunteer on the GWSR, in the loco department, and a member of the support crew for Tornado. Chris is a shareholder and director of the 35006 Loco Preservation Society, and also runs its sales stand!
Photo: "Rebuilt Merchant Navy Bulleid Pacific no. 35006, Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co., on a passenger service at the May2016 gala on the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway.
– 28 May 2016 [Photo:Chris Ardy]"
Please see the Programme page for more about Friday meetings.
If you would like more information or to join the Society, please see the Membership page.
"Slough Estates No. 3"
In addition to holding weekly meetings and other events, the Society is the custodian for Hudswell Clarke 0-6-0ST "Slough Estates Ltd No.3", a 1924-built steam locomotive which operated for 50 years on the Slough Trading Estate Railway.
After a prolonged restoration (read more here), No.3 was finally returned to steam in 2000, and spent a number of years hauling passenger services at the Swindon & Cricklade Railway in Wiltshire.
In 2011, No.3 was relocated to the Middleton Railway in Leeds on long-term loan. This line is close to the site of the Railway Foundry where she was built in 1924. No.3 also closely resembles the last steam loco to work over the railway in NCB days in 1958. It is thus appropriate that she should have 'returned home' to Leeds.
No.3's steam boiler certificate expired in April 2021, so she is now out of traffic until completion of a ten-yearly inspection, which requires complete dismantling of the locomotive. The overhaul will be undertaken at the Middleton Railway. Progress reports may be found on the No.3 News page.
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